Sparkle In My "I" - Unapologetic but Humble

In Action
Hello and welcome to my creative space, Sparkle In My "I", because I shine in my own light like a #FyahFly.

I'm Tunesha Marie. A Creative Leader. I'm a Quiet person, living a unique and vibrant lifestyle. I'm willing to share my muses & gifts with the world in order to be the ultimate cheerleader for inspiring, encouraging, and motivating others to Sparkle in his/her "I".

I am a humble creative intellect, family oriented, a very giving & sweet person, with a touch of sass (when rubbed the wrong way). I have a Masters in Public Health; I'm intrigued by the science & arts; I'm a military officer, and I'm a generous public servant to this country in countless ways. I share these attributes of me to highlight how I Sparkle In My "I" and I'm UNAPOLOGETIC about it; and, I want you to know you can do the same.
One might believe that Sparkle in my "I" is a movement of
conceit, which is not true at all. Sparkle In My "I" is not meant to boast or brag on self and to take credit for Gods work that He has created in you. In fact, it is an unapologetic movement of discovering, knowing and being confident in who and what kind of person you are, without feeling any sense of remorse. It is a space to love self first as you were created. A space to recognize not to lose sense of self in others and being accountable for your own happiness, joy, actions and accomplishments. A space to strongly rely on Faith. Sparkle In My "I", is a space to learn, build, grow, and share the gifts & talents your have been blessed with in a humbling spirit. You should not be ashamed or shy to celebrate your own accomplishments, success, or wins, especially when pouring into others to embrace greatness.
When sewing seeds for growth and development as a public servant, I am always in gratitude when I can be of service to others. But when you're constantly in service to others, you tend to put yourself last, which leads to you falling behind on your own goals, dreams, health, etc. This, I have fallen victim to numerous times. Constantly putting myself last would soon have an impact on clouding my vision for accomplishing my goals and create a feeling of being delayed in my actions. 2016 was my year for getting back to Tunesha. Getting back on track for my growth work by strengthen who I am, rebuilding my confidence and being unapologetic about self care.
Doing this would allow me to stand in my truth and in my brilliance. Utilizing my creative gifts to continue to be the ultimate cheerleader for pouring into others to stand in their greatness, so they too can Sparkle In Their "I". So, I develop & created Sparkle In My "I" , to help me focus on who I am, identify my gifts that are meant to be shared, understand my purpose, and to enjoy the many unique facets that contribute to my life unapologetically. Sparkle in my I is meant for rejuvenation of self, so that the seeds of greatness can continue to be sewed into others.
Through learning what makes me shine, I developed my own science that defines my sparkle. You will see these categories mutually overlap, feeding into each other in the most creative ways.

Self- Discovery = Self Love.
Positive Vibes & Purposeful living.
Amazing Actions leads to great Adventures.
Reflection in Radiant Beauty.
Knowledge building & sharing
Loving my health
Exploring & Entertaining
Again, Welcome to my creative space. I'm here to share my science for Sparkling In My "I" , being your ultimate cheerleader for inspiring and motivating you to find the Sparkle in Your "I" and to be able to highlight it. I will blog about topics that has an impact on my life's journey. Topics that are enjoyable to me and relatable to The Sparkle Science. Sparkle In My I is a creative and unique informational platform for the avid cheerleader servicing and empowering others to grow. Also, in my collective community spirit, I will use the space to highlight and blog/brag on those who inspire my sparkle. Those who I see shining in their own light like a FyahFly.
Live life to its fullest, but be sure to stop every now and then to pour back into yourself of what you give to others for standing in greatness.
Life is a love enjoy it!
Follow My Science, Follow My Sparkle